
Considering the views of the public, the profession, and other stakeholders assists SCPP in the development of bylaws, policies, standards, guidelines and other documents that support its mandate to protect the public.

For the public, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and stakeholders, consultations are the means by which they can contribute to the regulatory framework that governs pharmacy in Saskatchewan. Opportunities to review and provide written feedback about new and proposed amendments to documents are offered online. In some instances, engagement may be specific to only select stakeholder groups.

SCPP reviews and considers all feedback regarding bylaws, policies, standards, and guidelines to ensure they are responsive to the needs of members while keeping the public safe.

Click graphic to enlarge to see the full process.


SCPP values your feedback as it works to protect the public. Visit this page often to engage in future consultations and don't forget to follow us on social media to keep abreast of opportunities for feedback. You can also subscribe to our newsletters below.



Here you will find a record of past consultations that are now closed.


To promote transparent, respectful, and constructive dialogue for the feedback we receive through our online consultations, please see guidelines below:

  • Those who wish to respond to a consultation can do so by identifying whether they are a pharmacist, pharmacy technician, other stakeholder or members of the public.
  • Individuals may respond on behalf of an organization; however, they will be required to include the name of the organization.
  • Please ensure comments:
    • Are related to the policy or issue under consideration on that specific consultation topic;
    • Are not abusive, disrespectful, obscene, harassing, threatening, unprofessional, distasteful, or offensive towards an individual or organization, or those considered to be inconsistent with the College’s Code of Ethics (for pharmacy professionals); and
    • Comply with the College’s Privacy Policies.