Supporting CPD

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a self-directed ongoing process to maintain and enhance the quality of pharmacy professionals’ practice in both their current and future professional responsibilities. CPD is a more robust process than simply learning information. It combines traditional Continuing Education (CE) with quality improvement strategies that focus not only on what is learned but also on purposefully choosing and applying that learning to practice.



SCPP's CPD cycle has the following steps:

  1. Assessment of practice, reflection on learning needs ( ASSESS)
    • Includes identification of areas for improvement, through strategies such as:
      • Unstructured and structured self-assessment (e.g., reflecting on NAPRA/SCPP Model Standards of Practice and identifying an area that needs improvement)
      • Learning activity (e.g., attendance at a conference session identified a gap in knowledge)
      • Practice problems (e.g., challenging situations at work)
      • Feedback about practice (e.g., from peers, patients, etc.)
      • Data about practice (e.g., most frequently dispensed medications)
  2. Generation of a personal development plan ( PLAN)
    • Establish SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound)
    • Identify the necessary learning activities and practice modifications.
  3. Completion of learning activities ( LEARN)
    • Continuing Education (CE)
  4. Implementation into practice ( APPLY)
    • Making changes to day-to-day practice
    • Collecting data to measure progress in relation to goals
  5. Evaluation for achievement of SMART goals or impact on practice ( EVALUATE)
    • Determine if SMART goals were achieved.
    • Plan next steps.

Reflection is an important component in every step of this process.

Click image to enlarge.


The following tools may be used to support member CPD.