Training and Development

The Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP) serves the public interest by regulating the profession of pharmacy to provide safe, competent pharmacy care in Saskatchewan.

The mandate of the College is to provide protection to the public in matters relating to pharmacy practice and the sale of drugs.

SCPP protects the public by regulating the licensing of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacies, and establishing and enforcing rules of practice, including standards of professional practice and conduct, as well as ongoing mandatory and non-mandatory training, for the pharmacy profession in Saskatchewan.



Below you will find details on mandatory and recommended training for pharmacy professionals. These will change as the profession evolves and bylaws are developed and updated - members are encouraged to check back often.

Training Category

Course/Training (Training Provider)

Renewal Requirements

Terms and Conditions

Administrative Privacy Officer – USask CPE
Note: The Privacy Officer Course is currently being updated to reflect new HIPA changes. Registration for the course is currently on hold. If you register for the course, you will be enrolled once the updates are complete.
Every three years Mandatory that every pharmacy has a designated privacy officer. Pharmacy manager or designate (must be a pharmacist).
COMPASS Continuous Quality Improvement Coordinator Training – USask CPE None It is mandatory that every pharmacy has at least one designated Quality Improvement Coordinator. The CQI Coordinator may be the pharmacy manager or designate (may be a pharmacist or pharmacy technician). As per the SCPP Regulatory Bylaws, Part I, Section 12(6), the full 3 hour/complete training is mandatory for all new or returning CQI Coordinators. This training must be completed within six (6) months.
Injection Administration Part 1: CCCEP (stage two) Competency-Mapped Accreditation training program or authority to inject in another province. None. Mandatory for all pharmacists who decide to provide this service. Please check with SCPP for details and submit record(s) of previous training and/or authority to inject.
Part 2: SK-Specific Module 16 – USask CPE See Conditions Pharmacists must take the SK-Specific Module 16 training to obtain AMC if:
  • they have CCCEP or CCAPP accredited training from a provider other than USask CPE,
  • their AMC has lapsed more than 24 months, or
  • they have been authorized to inject in another province.
USask CPE training contains Part 1 and Part 2 together.
Part 3: Initial Live Injection Training Workshop See Conditions Mandatory for all pharmacists who decide to provide this service. After Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 are complete, the pharmacist must properly declare Advanced Method Certification (AMC) with SCPP in order to provide injections. Note: If candidates have injected in the previous two years and were certified by their provincial regulatory authority, then they will not need to re-take live injection  training and will only have to take Part 2: SK Specific Module 16 to certify. Please check with SCPP for details and submit record(s) of previous training and/or authority to inject.

Part 4: Standard First Aid and CPR Level C with AED (acceptable course providers are St. John's Ambulance and Red Cross)

Updated as per industry standards (every three years). Must maintain valid certification to maintain AMC to be covered by malpractice insurance.
  • You must attend an in-person or blended course. Courses delivered solely online are not acceptable.
  • The course must be offered, and taken, in Canada.
  • Currently approved courses are offered by St. John’s Ambulance and Red Cross.
  • The minimum acceptable required training is:
    • Standard First Aid; and
    • CPR Level C (with AED).

Proof of completion must be provided (i.e., uploaded to your member profile). Any other course requires an appeal to the Registrar with the rationale for acceptance (i.e., mapped against the competencies for the above acceptable courses). A Registrar Review and Decision Fee, as per SCPP Administrative Bylaws, will be required prior to any review or decision.

Live Injection Refresher Workshop – USask CPE None
  • If in the previous 24 months:
    • AMC has lapsed and has not administered injections, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop.
    • AMC is valid but has not administered injections, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop.
    • AMC has lapsed but has administered injections, can apply for AMC.
Continuing Professional Development and Continuing Education
Provider of Choice 15 hours of continuing professional development annually. SCPP requires all practising members to submit their completed Professional Development Log by uploading it to their member profile. Mandatory for all practising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. See regulatory bylaws for those in other membership categories.

All practising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians must annually select education of their choice from within one of the buckets within the person-centred framework.


Training Category

Course/Training (Training Provider)

Renewal Requirements


Level 1 Prescribing Authority
SCPP Prescriptive Authority Level 1 Basics Course –  USask CPE See Conditions Mandatory - condition of licensure for pharmacists. This includes International Pharmacy Graduates and pharmacists from other Canadian Provinces. New Saskatchewan graduates will have already completed this training.
Prescribing for Minor Ailments and Self-Care Basics – USask CPE None Mandatory for pharmacists practising in a patient self-care environment (e.g. community pharmacy). 

Pharmacists must follow medSask guidelines and PARs.

Minor Ailment Additional Conditions – USask CPE None Optional training for each new minor ailment condition approved. Pharmacists should assess their competence for each new condition to determine if they require training prior to prescribing.
Level II Prescribing Authority
Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPA) As determined within the individual CPA by the practitioner and pharmacists involved. As defined by SCPP Council and individual Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs). As defined by SCPP Council, the terms and conditions within the CPA that are agreed to between the pharmacist and the practitioner and Part K of the bylaws subsection 12(2) and 12(5).
Vaccine Preventable Disease in Canada Prescribing Vaccine Preventable Diseases in Canada Prescribing – USask CPE None Strongly recommended for pharmacists interested in providing this service.
Travel Health: For low-risk destinations by low-risk patients Vaccine Preventable Disease and Low-risk travel Implementation and Guideline Training – USask CPE None Strongly recommended for pharmacists interested in providing this service.
Comprehensive Travel Medicine Course (e.g. BCPhA, HealtheLearning Travel Health Educator) None Strongly recommended for pharmacists interested in providing this service.
Travel Health: For high-risk destinations by medium to high-risk patients International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) certification ISTM – Mandatory maintenance process every 10 years to keep the certificate active Mandatory for pharmacists interested in providing this service.
High-Risk Travel Health Implementation and Guideline Training – USask CPE None Strongly recommended for pharmacists interested in providing this service.
Advanced Prescribing A (not yet launched) TBD TBD TBD
Advanced Prescribing B (not yet launched) TBD TBD TBD
Other Diseases Approved by Minister of Health (MOH) or Designate: Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • Level 1 Prescriptive Authority – USask CPE
  • Minor Ailment Basics – USask CPE
  • Prescribing Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir) for COVID-19 – USask CPE (if not previously taken)
None Mandatory for pharmacists who wish to prescribe Paxlovid for Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Practice requirements: medSask guidelines and PAR must be used; and must be familiar with Prescribing Paxlovid FAQs. Monitor SCPP communication for updates. Also see Community Pharmacy Practice Changes.
Other Diseases Approved by MOH or Designate: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
  • Level 1 Prescriptive Authority – USask CPE
  • Minor Ailment Basics – USask CPE
  • Advanced Method Certification (AMC)
AMC must be current Mandatory for pharmacists who wish to prescribe and immunize for RSV. Practice requirements: medSask guidelines and PAR must be used. Prescriptive Authority – Pharmacist. Monitor SCPP communication for updates. Also see Community Pharmacy Practice Changes.
Other Diseases Approved by MOH or Designate: Seasonal Influenza
None Mandatory for pharmacists who wish to prescribe for oral antivirals for Seasonal Influenza. Practice requirements: medSask guidelines and PAR must be used. Prescriptive Authority - Pharmacist. Monitor SCPP communication for updates. Also see Community Pharmacy Practice Changes.


SCPP Council has identified that education is needed for better understanding of equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI), biases, and how these issues impact person-centered care. 
Below you will find details on Cultural Safety training, including requirements for Harm Reduction training and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training. Along with Indigenous Learning, these form part of a broader strategy developed by USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (USask CPE), with support from the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP) and other pharmacy provincial regulatory bodies. The strategy incorporates education, provides opportunities for needed self-reflection, and anticipates potential future learning needs.

Training Category

Course/Training (Training Provider)

Renewal Requirements


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
Online Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Safety Module – USask CPE None. This course, while no longer mandatory, is recommended for those with no previous training in this area.
Continuing Cultural Safety
Courses and providers of choice –  some options here Annually No set hours or continuing education limitations other than all practising members must annually select education of their choice on one of the themes or concepts found within the person-centred framework. This education must be recorded like all other continuing education on a Professional Development Log. On the PDL, please clearly indicate that the activity is intended to meet the continuing cultural safety requirement.
Harm Reduction Umbrella (Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) Standards, Low-Dose (Exempted) Codeine) Harm Reduction Primer and Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) Standards – USask CPE Training must be complete prior to registration or membership renewal for practising pharmacists and technicians, and new registrants. Mandatory – condition for licensure for all practising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
Advanced Harm Reduction and Opioid Agonist Therapy Standards – USask CPE – Sponsored by Saskatchewan Ministry of Health and Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan (PAS) None Strongly recommended for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians; also covers content of mandatory harm reduction and OAT Standards training.

Low-Dose Exempted Codeine Products – USask CPE

None Mandatory for all pharmacists and pharmacist interns who choose to sell low-dose (exempted) codeine products as a Schedule II drug.


About the Harm Reduction Courses

The mandatory harm reduction primer training provides a brief overview of trauma-informed care, stigma, the need for culturally safe practices and the recently updated Saskatchewan Opioid Agonist Therapy Standards. The advanced harm reduction training contains all of the mandatory primer content plus detailed management of Opioid Use Disorder and the therapeutics of Opioid Agonist Therapy. It is six hours online and six hours of virtual workshops and have experts from the field in Saskatchewan. The workshops will be recorded.

This training was made possible through the sponsorship and cooperative efforts between several key players – SCPP, the federal and provincial ministries of health, the Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan, and USask CPE.

Please see the USask website for more information.


Harm Reduction Training: Benefits for Pharmacy Professionals

In June 2019, the Saskatchewan Provincial Auditor published a report which considered whether the monitoring activities of Saskatchewan opioid prescribing and dispensing practices were sufficient to reduce opioid misuse and abuse.

The audit recognized that the opioid crisis was driven by both illicit (street) and licit (prescribed) opioids, exacerbated by the fact that both pose a high risk of addiction. The auditor provided recommendations to improve the Prescription Review Program which monitors prescribing and to increase monitoring of opioid dispensing practices in Saskatchewan’s pharmacies.

Given the critical role of pharmacists as stewards of opioids, Council identified pharmacy practices which may contribute to the problems raised by the provincial auditor and identified opportunities to increase training and oversight of opioid dispensing practices.

In addition to policy development, Council addressed the risk of opioid misuse through its harm reduction training initiatives (see the training umbrella). While some training is mandatory, the SCPP encourages all members to complete the training available to do their part to combat this public health risk.

Click the graphic to enlarge.


Training Category

Course/Training (Training Provider)

Renewal Requirements


Managerial USask CPE's Community Pharmacy Manager Course As per Council policy, the Registrar may specify additional training and education modules, when there have been significant changes to pharmacy practice or it is deemed appropriate to continuing competency. New and interim pharmacy manager applicants must complete the course prior to approval.
Continuing Education (CE) Provider of choice Annual As part of their continuing professional development and competency assurance, pharmacy managers will also take continuing education that is aligned to Pharmacy Manager Responsibilities on an annual basis.

There are no set hours or continuing education limits for this requirement. 


COVID-19 and Influenza Immunizer Requirements

Below you will find details on required training for pharmacy professionals, extended interns, and students who wish to administer approved COVID-19 and Influenza vaccines. Please check a CCCEP (two-staged) Competency Mapped Accreditation training program for injection training details and the Saskatchewan Health Authority training website for COVID vaccine-specific training modules.

I am a...


Required Training

Practice Considerations

Extended Intern – Class of 2024 beginning
June 6
Advanced Method Student Certification (AMSC)
  • CCCEP (two-staged) Competency-Mapped Accreditation training program
  • SK-Specific Module (4 hours)
  • Initial Live Injection Training Workshop (approx. 3.5 hours)
  • COVID-vaccine specific modules
  • Vaccine hesitancy training (included in some CCCEP accredited programs) – please see below and refer to Ministry of Health requirements for vaccine hesitancy training
  • Can only administer approved COVID and Influenza vaccines as a pharmacy extended intern (post-convocation) under AMSC. Once registered as a licensed pharmacist with SCPP, can apply to receive AMC
  • Must be under supervision of a pharmacist with AMC in community practice
  • In a Ministry of Health-approved immunization clinic, the supervision falls under a member of a regulated health profession who is already authorized to administer COVID-19 and/or influenza vaccinations.
  • Upon licensure with SCPP as a pharmacist, must attend Live Injection Refresher Workshop through USask CPE to transition from AMSC to AMC. Cannot administer injections after licensure until  transition to AMC.
  • Once a licensed pharmacist with AMC, can:
    • administer IM and SC injections.
    • administer all vaccines.
PharmD Student – Class of 2025
Advanced Method Student Certification (AMSC)
  • CCCEP (two-staged) Competency-Mapped Accreditation training program
  • SK-Specific Module (4 hours)
  • Initial Live Injection Training Workshop (approx. 3.5 hours)
  • COVID-vaccine specific modules
  • Vaccine hesitancy training (included in some CCCEP accredited programs) – please see below and refer to Ministry of Health requirements for vaccine hesitancy training
  • Can only administer approved COVID and Influenza vaccines.
  • Must be under supervision of a pharmacist with AMC in community practice.
  • In a Ministry of Health-approved immunization clinic, the supervision falls under a member of a regulated health profession who is already authorized to administer COVID-19 and/or influenza vaccinations.
  • Upon licensure with SCPP as a pharmacist, must attend Live Injection Refresher Workshop through USask CPE to transition from AMSC to AMC. Cannot administer injections after licensure until transition to AMC.
PharmD Student – Class of 2026
Advanced Method Student Certification (AMSC)
  • CCCEP (two-staged) Competency-Mapped Accreditation training program
  • SK-Specific Module (4 hours)
  • Initial Live Injection Training Workshop (approx. 3.5 hours)
  • COVID-vaccine specific modules
  • Vaccine hesitancy training (included in some CCCEP accredited programs) – please see below and refer to Ministry of Health requirements for vaccine hesitancy training
  • Can only administer approved COVID and Influenza vaccines
  • Must be under supervision of a pharmacist with AMC in community practice
  • In a Ministry of Health-approved immunization clinic, the supervision falls under a member of a regulated health profession who is already authorized to administer COVID-19 and/or influenza vaccinations
  • Upon licensure with SCPP as a pharmacist, must attend Live Injection Refresher Workshop through USask CPE to transition from AMSC to AMC. Cannot administer injections after licensure until  transition to AMC.
Licensed Pharmacist (with current valid AMC) Advanced Method Certification (AMC) To administer approved COVID vaccines:
  • COVID-vaccine specific modules
  • Vaccine hesitancy training (included in some CCCEP accredited programs) – please see below and refer to Ministry of Health requirements for vaccine hesitancy training
  • Can administer IM and SC injections.
  • Can administer all vaccines.
Licensed Pharmacist (previously held AMC but certification has lapsed or not administered injections in the previous 24 months) Advanced Method Certification (AMC)
  • Valid CPR-C / Standard First Aid
  • If in the previous 24 months:
    • AMC has lapsed and has not administered injections, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop – USask CPE
    • AMC is valid but has not administered injections, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop – USask CPE
    • AMC has lapsed but has administered injections, can apply for AMC.
  • If AMC has lapsed more than 24 months, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop through USask CPE and Saskatchewan-Specific Module training.

To administer approved COVID vaccines:
  • COVID-vaccine specific modules
  • Vaccine hesitancy training (included in some CCCEP accredited programs) – please see below and refer to Ministry of Health requirements for vaccine hesitancy training
  • Can administer IM and SC injections.
  • Can administer all vaccines.
Licensed Pharmacist (never held AMC) Advanced Method Certification (AMC)
  • CCCEP (two-staged) Competency-Mapped Accreditation training program
  • SK-Specific Module (4 hours)
  • Initial Live Injection Training Workshop (approx. 3.5 hours)
  • Valid CPR-C / Standard First Aid

To administer approved COVID vaccines:
  • COVID-vaccine specific modules
  • Vaccine hesitancy training (included in some CCCEP accredited programs) – please see below and refer to Ministry of Health requirements for vaccine hesitancy training
Once conditions have been met and “A” removed from licence:
  • Can administer IM and SC injections.
  • Can administer all vaccines.
Licensed Pharmacy Technician

See the steps for completing required training by clicking here.
Advanced Method Technician Certification (AMTC)
  • EPIC (only certain modules – 12 hours – USask CPE will outline which modules after registration) OR CCCEP (two-staged) Competency-Mapped Accreditation training program for pharmacy technicians
  • SK-Specific Module (1 hour)
  • Initial Live Injection Training Workshop (approx. 3.5 hours)
  • COVID-vaccine specific modules
  • Vaccine hesitancy training (included in some CCCEP accredited programs) – please see below and refer to Ministry of Health requirements for vaccine hesitancy training
  • If certification has lapsed or not administered injections in the previous 24 months:
    • If in the previous 24 months:
      • AMTC has lapsed and has not administered injections, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop – USask CPE
      • AMTC is valid but has not administered injections, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop – USask CPE
      • AMTC has lapsed but has administered injections, can apply for AMTC.
    • If AMTC has lapsed more than 24 months, must take Live Injection Refresher Workshop through USask CPE  and Saskatchewan-Specific Module training.
  • Can only administer approved COVID and Influenza vaccines.
  • Must be under supervision of a pharmacist with AMC in community practice.
  • In a Ministry of Health-approved immunization clinic, the supervision falls under a member of a regulated health profession who is already authorized to administer COVID-19 and/or influenza vaccinations.


Vaccine Hesitancy Training

The MoH and the SHA have approved the below options for vaccine hesitancy training. Immunizers are required to complete only one of the below options; however, those who completed their AMC, AMTC, and AMSC training via EPIC after Jan.1, 2021, will not need to complete separate vaccine hesitancy training as it is included in the EPIC training.


Formerly Licensed Members

As per the current Ministerial Order dated March , formerly licensed pharmacists are no longer authorized to administer COVID-19 and/or Influenza vaccines.



If you have questions about training requirements, contact us at