Registration Information
for Pharmacy Professionals

To practise as a pharmacy professional in Saskatchewan, an individual must be registered and licensed with the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP) according to The Pharmacy and Pharmacy Disciplines Act 1996, c.P-9 and the SCPP Regulatory Bylaws.

While all applicants must meet similar requirements and qualifications, there are different pathways to licensure, depending on whether an applicant is a graduate not previously licensed, an Extended Intern (SK) or out-of-province intern, a pharmacist licensed in another Canadian jurisdiction, an international pharmacy professional educated/licensed outside of Canada, or a pharmacy professional resuming practice.

Any person who wishes to become a member must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident or be legally entitled to work in Canada.

The topics in this section apply to either pharmacists, pharmacy technicians or both. For information on a specific professional class, please click on either the Pharmacist or the Pharmacy Technician links in the left menu.



The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides essential information on Canada’s health systems and the health of Canadians. SCPP collects and sends required information to CIHI during the registration and renewal processes.

CIHI Resources

  CIHI Website  – membership renewal and collection of information for national database.